Monday, January 29, 2024

Siem Reap - Angkor Wat

 We are going to see the sunrise tomorrow so the kids had a decent sleep in while I did a lot of yoga on the deck while I waited . We are staying in such a beautiful place for the last bit of our South East Asia trip that it’s beautiful to soak it all in .

Aanya was super stoked with ordering an all American breakfast (which is quite funny as she has such a small appetite). Well it gave her the energy for what turned out to be a very busy day . 

We started in Angkor Wat, we ended up with a driver, a guide and a photographer (for the first hour), so quite an entourage but made it so much fun. The place has so much history and it even made it to the flag of Cambodia . Started as a Hindu Temple in the 12th century, then taken over by the Buddhists, then went to ruins and got restored ( still undergoing it ) over the last 50 years . 

Then we headed to lunch before trekking around Ta Prohm , made popular by Lara Croft - Tomb Raider . When the place was abandoned the trees took over the temple and have become an integral part of it . They make the whole area so serene and calm,bringing about a feeling that every temple should have .

We then moved to Angkor Thom which included the famous Bayon temple . It’s a Buddhist temple with 49 towers with faces of Lord Buddha on all 4 sides . The 4 faces represent Compassion , Joy , Sympathy and Thankfullness ( as per our guide ). 

Said goodbye to our guide as we climbed up the hill to Phnom Bakheng to watch the sunset . For some reason or the other children under 12 are not allowed on high stairs in Angkor Wat region so the kids weren’t allowed up to the top of the temple . We found another spot with the other families, so while all our kids did cartwheels and handstands, we got to watch a magnificent sunset .

Ended the day in the city chatting to people from our flight at dinner . A later night than we planned but what a great day for our first one in Cambodia. 

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