Monday, August 19, 2024

Split- rainy day

We woke to the sound of rain and so used the day for life admin. Caught up with the children’s schoolwork and booked all our flights and accommodation for the rest of the year.

In the evening when the skies had cleared we headed out. It seemed even busier than yesterday, likely everyone had been cooped in for the day. The crowds were making their way through the Roman fortress and so did we. We then went to the cathedral and my favourite part was climbing the bell tower. It was very open and airy, gorgeous views of the town and the water. We went to the crypt but it doesn’t really deserve a mention. Next stop was the oldest Roman temple outside of Italy and next to it was a narrow street. I heard a guide say it was the narrowest street in the world but the one in Fes we went to was definitely narrower. 

It ended up being quite a restful day on the whole with the rain and sometimes we need a day like that. 

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