Monday, August 26, 2024

Lake Bled

Family run around the lake to start off the morning. Aanya absolutely smashed it by doing 5km at a stretch in 34 minutes; one of her goals this year was to do one under 40 minutes. Along the way, she gave herself a pep talk that was so positive. I’m really proud of how she showed herself kindness and love.

No idea where the energy came from, but the kids then spent an hour at the outdoor trampoline park. Jeevan and I relaxed and watched, so we were ready for the climb up to Bled Castle. The kids weren’t as keen, so we stopped for lunch midway. While we were there, we heard the waitress agree to a date with a boy who didn’t speak English or Slovenian, so one of his friends was translating. We wondered how the date would go without a common language.

Castle Bled is situated very precariously on a hilltop; it would be an easy execution pushing someone off. A peacock brooch, found underneath the castle and dating from the 6th century, appears to be an emblem of the place as it’s seen everywhere. The printing press from the 15th century is still working, and you can get a personalized souvenir from it. The views from the top of Lake Bled and the town are one of the best parts of the castle.

We made our way down through the church, where we had heard the bells ring every 15 minutes. We finally ended the day with tobogganing down a hill. Aanya was the most excited and absolutely hated it! Luckily, I was behind her and managed to cajole her into finishing it, as there was no other way out. Savik loved it and went faster with each round, enjoying Aanya’s turns too.

On the way home, we ate the famous Bled Cream cake. A delicious end to our day.


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