Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Lake Bled- Day 2

Tired legs called for a relaxed morning, and then we headed off to Bled Island.

We were rowed there in a traditional boat. With 18 of us onboard, even a slight lean forward tilted the boat, so we had to sit still and just enjoy the ride. We got 40 minutes on the island, which didn’t seem like much time, especially since we wanted to visit the church and the bell tower. A bit of a fast-paced walk ensured we were back in time, and we also managed to get ice cream for the kids. The walk around the island is short and pretty. Then we climbed the 99 steps, which is a tradition for the groom to carry the bride (Eek!) to reach the church and the ice cream shop. We rang the bell inside the church to make a wish and then went to the bell tower outside. I enjoyed the climb up the bell tower as it had interesting facts about time along the way, so the climb didn’t seem arduous.

Back on the mainland and with excited children, we headed to the water play area after lunch. We had lunch at a Chinese restaurant and were seated outside. It looked quite small from the outside, yet we saw tour group after tour group of Asian tourists enter and disappear. We laughed about the rabbit hole underneath. Savik and Aanya went to explore, and there was a basement that could seat 100 people!

The obstacle course was the first stop for the kids. It was meant to be a 20-minute play, but the attendants didn’t mind, so they stayed on for an hour and had the best time. Savik made two friends, and the three of them spent the next four hours together trying everything. Next was the diving board; I think Savik’s favorite thing is jumping into the water. Aanya’s favorite was the slide, especially since it was an open one. Jeevan and I spent time swimming in the lake and just enjoying the sun when it peeked out from behind the clouds.

We left with two starving kids, grabbed some food, and headed up Ojstrica Mountain to see the city at sunset. It was too cloudy for a sunset but still offered beautiful views of the city. It’s supposedly the Instagram spot. It was only a 15-minute walk to the top, but a good workout, and as always, the downhill is harder for me.

We stopped for dumplings and cream cake on the way back and were very happy to hit the bed after that.

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