Friday, August 9, 2024

Croatia -Dubrovnik- Day 1

After a late night arrival to our apartment we had a big sleep in. Then we sat on our balcony admiring the water views as we had a leisurely brunch. 

We then headed out to walk to the old town, all the views were postcard perfect. The heat did start getting to us as we walked up the hill and we spied the perfect solution to it. Down below at the waters there was a railing with stairs (similar to the ones in swimming pools) going into the sea and there were people jumping in and climbing out. We made our way there and the kids did the same, beautiful serene water to cool off. 

We continued on to the old town, eating ice cream as we walked with the throngs of people that are visiting. Entering the gate transported us to the olden days with cobblestone paths, a solid wall surrounding it and a fountain with water pouring out of decorated spouts. The water was icy cold and drinkable, making it perfect for this weather. On one side was an old church  while on the other it was a Hard Rock Cafe- old world meets new.

We explored the bustling streets filled with souvenir shops (a lot of them dedicated to Games of Throne merchandise), gelaterias, lolly stores with gigantic lollies, eateries and even a Michelin starred restaurant. 

Later in the evening we joined a walking tour of the city, we had an entertaining and informative session. Our guide Pero had a good sense of humour and balanced the tour well with information of GOT and the history of Dubrovnik itself. Amazingly in the last century Dubrovnik has been part of 6 countries, it’s Saint - Saint Blaze had never visited Dubrovnik and only 40,000 people live here while over 30.000 visit daily in summer! The walk of shame from GOT was shot at the Jesuit steps (inspired by the Spanish steps in Rome) and is now known as Shame steps. The “shame” has become very famous and you can get shame on the beach cocktails, wok of shame and many more. 

After dinner as we walked back to our apartment Savik summed it well- what a big day! 

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