Monday, June 3, 2024

Travel Aswan

Day started in the pool and then watching the news episodes of Bluey, tears rolled down my face as it always seems to do with the show. 

Not much else other than our flight to Aswan and then the taxi ride to our place. It was quite funny watching a man trying to get his bag at the carousel - he was practically on the other side of the barrier (outside the building) trying to get his bag before it even entered the airport!! Savik then started emulating him as Savik is our baggage handler ( does not like us taking even a single bag of the carousel).

We arrived in Aswan later than expected due to a flight delay and so took quite a a late night taxi. It’s the only time so far that I have felt unsafe in our travels. I think it was the vibes from the driver along with a very deserted road. Fortunately it was an uneventful trip and we had a wonderful welcome at our guesthouse 

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