Tuesday, June 18, 2024


Arrived in the afternoon and settled in, as we are going to do a lot of Harry Potter related things the kids started their time by watching a part of the second movie.

Next we headed for food, kids so excited to see familiar shops, places to eat and drink. Burrito bowls and bubble tea made them really happy. 

We then started our Muggles walk of London. Met three other Harry Potter fans (two from Australia) and our very enthusiastic guide, Charlie. We got to see where inspirations were taken from or movies shot at along with fun facts of the books and movies. He had the kids very pretty engaged and they loved getting points for their teams. We also got information about London in general as we walked from Leavensden Markets to London Bridge. Walking on Millennium Bridge reminded me a lot about one of my favourite shows, the Split but had no idea about the chewing gum artwork on the floors including that of Dobby.

We headed to a very late dinner at Wagamama (I was so sad when the chain left Australia), enjoying the sunset at nearly 10pm! 

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