Friday, June 21, 2024

London- Museums and Lion King

Unfortunately Jeevan wasn’t well through the night so had a stressful morning trying to sort it out. Luckily by the afternoon he was much better.

We went to see the dinosaurs in the Natural History Museum and Aanya told us all about Mary Anning as she had read about her recently.

The kids favourite (and ours) was the WonderLab at the Science Museum. They had the coolest shows, my favourite were the bubbles with dry ice. Lots of practical fun science like sliding down different textures, lifting yourself with pulleys and making electricity.

Ended the night with great dinner at Dishoom and Lion King. There was quite a queue at Dishoom (they don’t do reservations) but they keep you happy by providing complimentary drinks as you wait. We took the option to sit outside to ensure we would get to the show on time.  Food was yum and we all were so happy to eat Indian food after a very very long time.

Lion King was as magical as I had remembered it and was glad to share it with the kids. They were mesmerised by it all. As we were leaving there were decked up rickshaws with fluorescent lights and loud music, taking rickshaws to a whole new level. The whole place had such a festive feel. 

Headed back, enjoying the lights over the bridges. As we were eating ice cream at midnight we discussed how we are getting used to very late nights and sleep ins.

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