Sunday, June 2, 2024

Cairo Day 2

 Morning was spent lounging around but lunch made us leave our hotel. 

We have been having Falafels constantly and Aanya desperately wanted something else while Savik wanted the falafel streak to continue. They both got what they wanted at Old Cairo Restaurant. 

It hadn’t been in the plan but as the restaurant was right next to the churches we headed to explore them. Hanging Church over the Babylon fortress was the must see on the list. Unknowingly we did a bit of a roundabout tour and ended up there last. Along the way we saw lots of old domed churches, one of which had been burned not too long ago and then reconstructed. We walked through quite an elaborate cemetery and then were accosted by dogs as we got out. The Hanging Church has parts of the original cross and tombstone from Jesus’s crucifixion on display. 

Next stop was downtown Cairo. Ubered our way to Tahir square, the place of most Egyptian revolutions including the one in 2011. We had a tour booked in 2011 which had been cancelled due to the coup, glad we got here eventually. Just strolled around taking in the sights, including an art shop, an abandoned palace and eventually made our way across the Nile to see the Cairo Tower.

Last stop for the day was the walled Cairo city and its bustling lit up streets. The children were very fascinated by the fairy floss as they were made it a variety of shapes. The cats have taken over the place, I wonder if there are more cats than people in Cairo.

My favourite bit was the mosque near the North gate which is the biggest in Egypt. It was so peaceful in there and a guide took us around so we learnt a lot about Islam. 

Quick dinner before heading back, it was past 10pm on a weeknight but the whole city was alive. The Citadel looked gorgeous as we drove by, will have to see it another time.

As we got in the back to the island, the boat ride was a lovely way to end the day with wind in our hair and watching the fishermen fish with their glowing baits. 

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