Sunday, June 30, 2024


 So excited to see our friends from Australia today, Robyn and Jackson. 

After spending time catching up we headed to a mall nearby. We could have been in a mall anywhere in the world with similar shops and food courts. 

The kids enjoyed their time in a trampoline park along with climbing walls. Aanya’s obsession with boba tea continues and every country seems to have it. 

We spent heaps of time trying to sort out the payment for the national park tomorrow, the website did not make it easy. Geared up for a big day tomorrow! 

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Travel to Kenya

 28-29th June

Leaving family is always hard but knowing we are back in a month has made it easy.

Flight to Nairobi was uneventful but a long long wait at immigration and then customs. We arrived at our hotel and ready to put our feet up but the hotel was overbooked so got quite a run around. It was not a pleasant start to our trip but after 3 hours it was finally sorted. 

So ready for bed by the end of it.

Friday, June 28, 2024

Family time in England

 23-28th June

So wonderful to spend time with family, both my uncles and their children. Our kids are similar ages so lots of very active kids running around or negotiating screen time.

After nearly 2 months of travelling it was good to have downtime of sleep-ins, home cooked food, long walks and lots of chatting. 

Off to Kenya next, hoping to see some lions and excited to see our friends from Australia.

Saturday, June 22, 2024

London- Day 5

We have had such brilliant weather in London and it continued for our last day.

We walked around Hyde Park, people watching followed by bird watching. 

Buckingham Palace was next, seeing the change of guards and all the tourists flocking around. 

Next on our walk was Westminister Abbey and Big Ben. Aanya has been very excited to see Big Ben after seeing a list in Sri Lanka, of Towers around the world. The roads around it was shut to traffic as there was a protest to preserve nature happening at Parliament square. Creativity was at its best and we saw some colourful birds, butterflies, fish and trees. There were people dancing, signing petitions and educating others. It was a cause close to our hearts. 

We continued on to Traflagar square, discussing Napoleon and Lord Nelson as his statue loomed over us. There was a musical happening at the centre and it was very crowded. Next stop Leicester Square, took heaps of photos with the movie characters. Then walked in the smaller streets, admiring the art work and pretty shopfronts. Aanya was very happy with her Gong Cha, and as she sat on a sphinx with an obelisk “gifted” by the Egyptians near it, she said she loved London and this was her best day ever.

We walked on to Southbank, only realising it was 10pm when some of the lights started coming on. The sunlight really fools us.

It was a wonderful day to end our stay in London.