Friday, July 5, 2024

Serengeti Day 2

A super early rise for our hot air balloon ride, our pick up was for 5.10am. We were ready and waiting by 5 but no one arrived to pick us up till 6.20. The hour waiting had us worried that we were going to miss sunrise or the ride and lamenting the sleep we could have had. Our driver was so apologetic as he picked us up as the jeep had broken down in an area with no network. We sped to the launch point, making it just in time. 

Having been in a hot air balloon ride before I thought we would just step into the basket but the launch was quite different. The basket was on its side and we were strapped in while on our backs and holding on to straps, Aanya in between my legs. It was quite an adventurous start to the ride. 

We rose high quite quickly and were enveloped in a cloud of smoke. The controlled burning of Serengeti lands were taking place and smoke was high in the sky. Before disappointment had completely set in we ventured below the cloud and it was all clear, phew! 

There were so so many balloons in the sky and I loved watching them bobbing in and out in front of the sunrise. 

Then the air safari commenced, watching the zebras, giraffes, gazelles and hyenas from above gave a different perspective. The sight that had all of us squealing in joy was a pride of lions running along with their cubs. It the best thing we could have seen.

A bumpy landing with the basket on the side and champagne celebration to end the ride. 

Lots of photo opportunities before we headed off to a grand breakfast with birthday and anniversary celebrations. The best part of the venue was the “loo with a view”, the toilets looked out into the Savannah. 

We were dropped back to our Intrepid crew and whizzed off to another game drive. So much to see above mentioned plus wildebeest, Topis (fastest of the antelopes), Corey Bustard( heaviest flying bird), Secretary bird, Kenya’s National bird (beautiful colours) vultures (one of the ugly five), impalas (the MacDonalds of Africa) and multiple hippos outside the water. Heading back to the camp we saw 4 lionesses lounging in the sun. Lions sleep around 16-20 hours of the day, giving koalas a run for their money.

Back at the camp for lunch and for kids to run around. We have a soccer loving boy (Pace) in the group and our crew are always happy to play ball with the kids.

As we headed for an afternoon game drive I felt a bit tired and lazy and was wondering if we really needed to go out again (4.30am wake up would do that, luckily Aanya had a long nap in the driver’s compartment). Then we saw a bunch of new animals and I was so glad we did the game drive. First was a lion, as we saw lots of jeeps lined up we headed there too. On seeing the belly of the lion camouflaged in the grass we were happy to move on as we had seen lions closer up but then it rolled and lifted its head up. It’s gorgeous mane had us stop and watch it as it was our first male lion. 

Then we zoomed off as we heard there was a leopard ahead. There was crush of jeeps as everyone tried to squeeze in to get a good view. By the time we got a spot it was quite hard to spot it, Jeevan and Griffin got the best view through the binoculars while I could barely see it on a camera. Not sure if we could tick it off on our big five list. 

We headed down the road to find a spot to turn around when we spotted an elephant, there are fewer elephants than lions in Serengeti. This one was huge with large tusks and we got to see it cross the road in front of us. 

We had to speed back as you have to be back at your campsite by 7pm or get a penalty. Luckily we whizzed by the tree with the leopard and this time it was out and we all could see it. 

As we sat by the campfire at night we were all exhausted but elated by the day we had had. 

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