Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Nairobi- final day

Last day of our tour was a drive to Nairobi. We arrived by 2pm and then decided to have a walk around town. The protests have restarted and there maybe some tomorrow so will not be venturing out then.

Headed back to town, stopping for shwarma along the way, it was really good and we would have returned tomorrow if we could.

The streets were pink from the pink water canisters being used during the protests. We walked by the council buildings and the court but had learnt our lesson from last time so no photos were taken.

Next up was the local markets where Robyn and Jackson were using all their Kenyan shillings as they leave tomorrow. Aanya bought all the kids pendants in the shape of Africa, she used some good negotiation skills. We couldn’t help ourselves and bought some paintings knowing Robyn can take them back to Australia. 

We headed to a liquor store before heading back to try out the local drinks. Had fun trying out the different flavoured ciders and chatting late in into the night. 

It has been a wonderful tour of Kenya and Tanzania, made even better by having Robyn and Jackson with us. 

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