Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Day 3

Getting used to the early morning starts. The kids and I have become good at reading while on the road and there are tables on the truck so we can play games so the time is well spent. 

We arrived at the small town of Kisongo in time for our cooking class with the local Mamas. The kids loved it as they got to chop and deep fry something they might not necessarily have been allowed to go at home. The food was very similar to Sri Lanka (plantains, root vegetables abd coconut milk) and served in similar earthenware. 

Post lunch was a walk through the village to see the coffee plantations,  the different tribes and their way of life. We learnt how coffee trees are pruned for women to be able to pluck the berries, every 10 years the old trunk is cut off and a new branch is cultivated. At the houses we saw the headstones where family members are buried and as the male owner of the house is buried there the women cannot be challenged for the land. 

We returned to our lunch house and got to experience each step of the coffee making process and then drinking the coffee made from it. Kids were very keen to drink the coffee, they had more sugar than coffee in their cups. 

Last stop for the day was our campsite, tents were already up and ready for us. The children were running around and with all the tourists in the campsite we could have been in Australia.

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