Sunday, August 21, 2011

Peru- Driving day+ King of Sipan


We drove and drove and drove some more. The places remind me a lot of India and Peru seems a lot poorer than Ecuador. It is so so dry, I had not expected so much dessert around.

On the way stopped at Lambayeque for the Museo Reales de Tumbes de Sipan. Again I am amazed at my lack of knowledge. This was such a well presented museum, containing the archaeological finds from the Tombs. There were the two kings of Sipan, old and new, around 1700 years old, along with the human sacrifices. The older king's guard had his feet intact when he was buried alive but the newer one, 300 years younger, had his feet chopped off to prevent him from running away! The pottery and the gold were really well done. The earrings and nose rings were massive as were the belts and rattles they wore. They even had a yin and yang kind of thing with gold and silver peanuts. Their main god is known as the decapitator for the number of human sacrifices that were made to him.

Arrived late in the evening to Huanchaco. There is a vegetarian restaurant next door, but the best thing is the man who owns it. I loved his life's philosophy. He is a Dutch man married to a Peruvian lady, as he said he has a family, a restaurant that opens to a beach and he needs nothing more. He had a lot of things for sale at his shop, all related to some form of charity with no profits for him. Wish I was a bit like him.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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