Monday, August 15, 2011

Ecuador- Rio Verde/ Banos - Day 2


Rained all night, sounded great in the tent but the rafting is cancelled.

Instead we went canyoning, eight of us signed up for it. I want to be an adventurous person but lack the courage generally. This time I did it all. I am glad Jeevan came along in spite of his dodgy back.

In Ecuador if you are given a lot of safety gear you must be heading for something dangerous. In the Amazon we did a lot of things but no safety gear. Here we were loaded with things, wet suits, warm jackets, life vests, harnesses, butt protectors, helmets and shoes.

Started with simple things, small jumps into the water and falling back into the water (the guide held the harness clip while we stayed straight ). Then came the optional jump, 6 meters into a deep pool along side a waterfall. I jumped! Actually it's quite easy when everybody screams 1-2-3 jump, one cannot help but jump. Nearly fell off the waterfall when I tried to climb a rock on my own. Glad I was clipped on to a rope so Jeevan pulled me back, I would not be writing this blog otherwise.

Zip lined down a waterfall, jumped a few more places, slid into water, forwards, backwards and then abseiled down two large waterfalls. My first time abseiling, at first I had difficulty getting the concept of leaning back, the second one was better.

Had so much fun, returned to a much needed hot shower and hot soup. Spent the rest of the day lounging around in hammocks and playing badminton . Played after years, lost all three games against Jeevan but it was close (at least I like to think so).

Will sleep well tonight, most likely will have bruises tomorrow but have survived to see another day.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

  1. Wow - sounds just like my kind of holiday :) Glad you are doing all this.
