Tuesday, August 2, 2011

England- Sculpture Park


We were discussing Henry Moore in the car and it was decided some cultural education was necessary.

The Yorkshire Sculpture Park has a variety of interesting things spread over acres and acres of greenery. Had a lot of fun trying to figure out the " Moorish" ( Henry Moore's ) sculptures. There was an area with movement sensor music so the more we jumped, more the music. One end is a picture perfect countryside of a bridge with flowing water underneath, swans gliding along and pretty wild flowers all around.

Jaime Plensa had an exhibition on display. Some very unusual pieces, a pair of large of human faces made of stainless steel mesh ( which faced you as you walked along, loved it) tree huggers and sitting humans. In the gallery were two noteworthy rooms, one filled with alabaster faces, they were in various stages of being craved and gave the room an eerie feel. I expected one to open it's eyes any moment, also seemed more like a movie 3D effect than actual 3D. The other room was the Gong room, each gong makes a different sound as you hit it, a dull boom rather than a clang. The last room had a video playing, soft porn in the name of art, don't think my grandmother liked that too much.

Spent most of the day there, the rest of it at the beach. Eating the fish and chips was a defensive game as you saved them from the ferocious seagulls. Had mine been attacked I would have screamed, dropped it all and run for sure.

Ate some ice cream and watched children trying to walk on water in large blown up plastic/rubber bubbles. An unusual thing here is that all the park benches are in the memory of somebody or the other. Found a secluded rose garden with benches , one of which had a bouquet on it for the death anniversary of the person " who sat here and loved the view" .

Seems like today is the last sunny day for the week ( as per the weather forecast), glad it was spent all outdoors.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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