Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Eucador - Galapagos - Day 2


This isn't exactly a relax and sleep in type of cruise, things start early.

Morning outing was to the Urbina bay in Isabela island. Hiking on the trail we spotted two giant tortoises (not as big as I had hoped). Then a few land iguanas, colorful, large and quite fascinating. Learnt a bit about the Darwin finches and mockingbirds as they flew by.

Then the bit I love, snorkeling. Water was murkier than yesterday due to the extra minerals but still a good experience. We went out quite a bit so saw turtles and great fish along the way.

The afternoon was spent at the youngest Galapagos island, Fernandina. It also has an active volcano, last eruption two years ago! This island is amazing, wildlife is fearless here. Even the ground here is different, it is covered with small bits of coral and sea urchin spikes.

The rocks are covered by mean looking marine iguanas ( nasty sex life with their two penises, by the way). They blend in so well with the larva rocks that we had to work hard not to step on them. The first one we saw was alone, everyone started snapping pictures till we looked up and saw hundreds of them ten meters away. They snort a lot, all the salt has to come out some way.

The sea lions with their babies are pretty cute and they know it. They pose for the cameras ( at least I think so ). They bark and make grunting noises. Seem to live in harmony with the iguanas.

Took quite a lot of pictures of the colorful crabs( Sally light foot) they look so good against the black background. The flightless cormorants drying their wings is a classic.

Barbecue on the deck followed by watching sea lions hunt flying fish that were attracted to the light on the boat.

Another great day.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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