Sunday, September 8, 2024

Sansol to Viana

 I wasn’t sure how we'd feel when the alarm went off at 5:30, but we got up and started the day. As we approached the next town, just 800 meters away, we could hear loud, head-banging music mixed with drunken singing. It was their fiesta, and the celebrations were right outside the Albergue. We were so glad we hadn’t stayed there the night before! After a quick coffee and chat with other pilgrims, we set off again.

The walk turned out to be wonderful—picturesque with a light rain, a cool breeze, a faint rainbow, and the sun staying comfortably behind the clouds. Along the way, we stumbled upon a makeshift food truck run by a couple who had completed the Camino last year. Knowing the route and timing well, they parked their camper van at the perfect spot to offer goodies in exchange for donations. Coffee and cake gave us the energy we needed for the looming hill. 

Before we knew it, we had reached Viana. There, we found the perfect hotel, where we finally indulged in some much-needed rest—an afternoon nap and a solid night’s sleep, exactly what we both needed after the long days on the road.

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