Friday, October 4, 2024

Amazon- Day 3

Another peaceful sunrise boat ride for the adults, while the kids opted for a sleep-in. It was a rare and welcome moment to enjoy together as the sky transformed with vibrant colors. A pair of toucans flew across, adding to our growing list of bird sightings.

After breakfast, we visited a kapok tree, it is one the largest and longest-living trees, with lifespans of 2,000 to 3,000 years. The air was thick with cotton-like fluff from the trees, covering the ground—and us! Aanya was especially thrilled, eagerly collecting some to use for her crafts.

Next, we stopped by a local village, where we learned that our tour group helps support the village school since the government's promises often go unfulfilled after election season. We also got a firsthand look at how tapioca flour is made, a long process that involves the entire family.

In the afternoon, we prepared for our jungle overnight, just a short hike from the boat. We spent the evening playing games, with everyone—kids and adults alike—attempting to climb trees while a chicken roasted over the fire. Hammocks and mosquito nets were set up for the night, and dinner was served on plates and cutlery fashioned from bamboo right on the spot.

Settling into the hammocks was not very easy, leading to a lot of laughter. Eventually, the chatter subsided, and we let the jungle sounds take over. The stars were mostly hidden by the dense canopy, but fireflies danced in the darkness. Two young men had joined our tour earlier in the day and decided to spend the night with us. One of them, quite tall, gave up on the hammock after struggling to get comfortable and returned to the boat. The rest of us pushed through. The kids slept soundly, while I’ve definitely had better nights, but it's all part of the adventure!

Aanya’s poem of the Amazon. 

Aanya’s Amazon adventure 

By Aanya Seneviratne 

The majestic dolphins pink and grey 

We can see them night and day

The dazzling birds fly too high 

They may even touch the sky 

Ready to go after a good rest 

Now comes the piranha test 

The fishing with scrawny sticks

But the piranhas had there own tricks 

 Scaly caiman said what the heck 

When our guide caught it by the neck 

It made my heart go pump pump pump 

Then I had to go dump dump dump 

1 comment:

  1. Well done Aanya with your poem! The end made me laugh!
