Thursday, October 3, 2024

Amazon- Day 2

To kick off the day, we embarked on a sunrise boat ride. The sky gradually brightened, birds and caimans waking up too, adding to the beauty of the morning. With the sunrise, though, came the inevitable Amazon heat.

After breakfast, we ventured into the jungle for a hike, buzzing with excitement at the prospect of seeing wildlife. But soon, the humidity drenched us, and enthusiasm waned. Fortunately, the two others in our group were hilarious, cracking jokes even as their shoes squelched with sweat, lifting everyone's spirits. We did spot a few monkeys and learned a great deal about the jungle's medicinal and poisonous plants. The size of the açaí and Brazil nut trees were massive. To keep the kids engaged, our guide skillfully crafted crowns, grasshoppers, and bracelets from leaves and vines, keeping them captivated.

Back on the boat, the cold shower never felt better. After lunch and a much-needed nap, we headed out again, this time for some canoeing and more animal spotting. The highlight came when we spotted a sloth lazily climbing a tree. Our guide, to our amazement, scaled the tree right next to it with ease, getting close-up photos. We were surrounded by wildlife—black ibises, various hawks, herons, screaming ducks, and cormorants. And everywhere we looked, there were dolphins, more caimans, all part of the Amazon's rhythm.

As we neared our boat on the way back, a storm hit. Thankfully, we were safely inside, but we later heard that a nearby village's school roof had been blown off by the winds. That sealed our decision to stay in after dinner, skipping any evening excursions. After the early start, we were all happy to catch up on some much-needed rest.

Savik’s poem of the Amazon-

The Amazon by Seneviratne . Savik

The forest is so green

But it is also mean

An ant bit my chest

Now I need a rest

See the dolphins jump so high

See the birds flying in the sky 

See the monkeys that want to take 

See the humans eating a cake

The river moves so slow

Our boat is faster than its flow

Inside the river are some fish

On a boat they would be served on a dish

Piranhas bite and are hard to catch 

Us humans are no match

They are very smart 

And us humans would call that an art

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