Friday, April 22, 2011

Rhodes - Day 3

Jeevan's Birthday.

Sometimes we are so alike and at other times poles apart. I love birthdays, for Jeevan it is just another day. I get so excited, a month prior to it I will start talking about it while had it not been for me Jeevan would forget his.

This happens every year, Jeevan does not want to celebrate it while I cannot let that happen, the drama starts, generally I win. Well this year he kind of had his way, no cake, no partying ( there was a thunderstorm outside).

We spent the morning at the Palace of the Grandmaster, magnificent building. It was quite well built and had been restored by the Italians in early 20th century. The mosaics on the floors and the gold tinted statues were quite impressive . Walked the street of Knights ( the meeting place for the knights of Jerusalem , when they had occupied the island). Then walked around the moat of the castle, looked like a good jogging track.

Had a good lunch, kind of celebration and then compromised on the cake by having an eclair.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

  1. haha Shalini John and I are the same. At least he doesn't complain if I am working on his birthday (again)...
    The time I threw him a surprise party, he didn't suspect anything because he was perfectly happy when I didn't seem to want to celebrate it!
    Keep posting your travel stories - they are great and when I read them, I am overseas with you for a little bit of time!
