Monday, May 30, 2011

France- Cannes/Monaco


Sleeping in is such a wonderful feeling. Walked around Cannes, Sunday morning the inner streets are deserted while the beaches are bustling. Went to the area where the Cannes Film Festival is hosted , handprints of various artists line the floor. Took a picture on the red carpet in our beachwear. Jeevan then explored the other areas ( the castle and museum) while I laid on the beach . Tried to get my feet to a universal colour, my regular sandals are pretty closed in with a few openings so have horrible tan streaks, looks very creepy.

Then for a swim in the sea, the water is so calm here. Splashed out at lunch, three wonderful courses, later was ready to go back to bed but Monaco was waiting.

Arrived in Monaco as the Grand Prix finished. I am not sure how this country is otherwise but today it was alive. The streets were bustling, music everywhere, beer stalls, people partying on terraces, yachts and the race track .

While the race track was shut to the public we visited the Palace, the cathedral and the gardens. The area is bigger than I would have expected for a country this size. Looking at the water below from the Palace area gives an impression of a rich country ( I thought that till we arrived at the casino, new meaning of rich there).

Walking along the race track was a new experience, the smell of burnt rubber still hung in the air. The trucks to load the cars along with their crews were lined up . Saw the Force India cars and crew, did not know that Vijay Malya was involved in racing.

Visited the casino. We were at the Monte Carlo Casino, it lived up to my expectations. I lost some money while Jeevan made some, net loss sadly. The real show though was outside. Grand owners of grander cars paraded the streets. Beautiful women ( few obviously helped by the plastic surgeons) in amazing clothes accompanied the men. Cameras flashing all around. It was like watching a live red carpet show. When the Bugatti Veyron arrived everything else paled in comparison.

We made our way back to the train station for Cannes, dreams tonight will surely be about a lifestyle far removed from ours.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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