Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Sugarloaf Mountain

Today we went exploring the 2nd most visited site in Rio, the Sugarloaf mountain. We were decked up in our Brasil t-shirts and couldn’t have screamed “tourist” any louder. We had plans on hiking right to the top but it appears you can only hike half way up to the mountain in front (Morro da Urca) and you have to take a cable car from there onwards. The other way is rock climbing which I am sure the kids would have loved😀.

It was through the forest and we saw wild Marmosets jumping around waiting for people to feed them, luckily nobody was feeding them, leading to a very disappointed Aanya. They are supposed to be an invasive species to this area. After a 40 minute climb we arrived at the middle cable car station which had beautiful views of the bay, city and the Christ the redeemer, but most importantly great views of the Sugarloaf mountain.

We got on the cable car and saw 2 mountain climbers almost at the top, and within a few minutes we were at the summit. Multiple restaurants, stalls and Panoramic views of Rio and Copacabana were a highlight. 

We made our way down by the cable car then headed for lunch. Our plan was to go to the beach in the afternoon but we were all tired out from the hike, that we decided to spend the afternoon reading and playing cards. 

The kids have learnt to play 304, a card game which I grew up playing with my family and friends. It’s a surreal experience now that both Aanya and Savik enjoy playing the same game.

Savik and I went for an evening walk around Copacabana, it was bustling with activity. Firstly we saw an armed raid, there were 2 police guards with rifles arresting a guy and searching him at a petrol pump while 2 armed police officers looked on. Everybody else just went on with their lives as nothing was happening. 

We watched a beach Foot-volley game that was being played and it looked quite serious to the extent that the game ended with an argument regarding a point and one of the players took their t shirt off and went for a swim in the ocean while the others continued to argue. Loads of people jogging, cycling and partying around, it has a really nice vibe and people seemed so relaxed. 

Early dinner and bed tonight as we farewell Rio tomorrow and head to Ilha Grande for more beach weather.

By Jeevan 

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