Thursday, September 26, 2024

Rio- Ilha Grande

Today is the last day in Rio and I went for an early morning run to see the sunrise and get to the Ayrton Senna memorial statue on the Copa Cabana strip.

Hundreds of paddlers were out on the ocean even before sunrise. Got there on time to see a beautiful sunrise over the ocean. Only a few joggers at this stage and people were getting ready for their morning boot camp sessions.

Managed to get to the Ayrton Senna stature who I remember from my childhood days of watching F1. Can still remember the day he died in a crash, on May 1 1994, as I watching that race live on TV.

Luckily we were picked up first by our transfer van as we were packed like sardines along with our luggage. The others had to hold onto some of their luggages around their seats. 

Even more interesting was the fast boat ride from the mainland to the island as there were about 50 of us in a small speed boat squished in with our luggage. When we thought the boat was full, even more people were loaded, it was hilarious to watch.

A short 20 minute ride and we reached Abraáo which is the main town in the island.

As it is supposed to rain the next few days we hit the beach as soon as we checked in. The sand in the beach is quite coarse compared to Copa Cabana and the waves were very mild for the disappointment of the kids. The adults on the other hand, loved the calm beach.

Quick shower then headed for dinner in town, and experienced the Moqueca (seafood stew) of fish and prawns in Brasil. It tasted good but next time will order only prawns as the fish came with a few bones. Unfortunately while playing cards Savik lost one of his cards that fell through the planks and we were unable to retrieve it despite our best Macgyver efforts. 

Tomorrow we plan on doing a massive hike to the view point of the island, so early to bed for us for a fresh start tomorrow morning. 

by Jeevan

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